Licorice root is a popular ingredient in many teas for its sweet earthy flavor. It has also been used medicinally for at least the past 2,500 years! Some of licorice’s benefits include aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune system. Here I’ll discuss 10 reasons why licorice root is one of my all time favorite herbs. 


Licorice root is most commonly known as a digestive aid. It soothes an upset stomach by increasing mucus production. Licorice also increases blood supply to the stomach which is good for healing the stomach lining. Licorice root can prevent ulcers by suppressing the overproduction of gastric acid. These qualities mean that licorice root is able to both prevent and treat stomach ulcers. 


The same properties in licorice that make it a good digestive aid also make it a good anti-inflammatory herb. Licorice’s subtly sweet flavor makes it a nice addition to a ginger and turmeric tea. Licorice may help reduce inflammation throughout the body due to its effects on the digestive, circulatory, and endocrine systems.  

Immune Boosting

The antiviral and antibacterial qualities of licorice make it a great choice for strengthening the immune system. Licorice root has long been used in Chinese medicine in the treatment and prevention of minor illnesses such as colds. It can both treat cold symptoms and shorten the length of illness. 

Raises Low Blood-Pressure

Components in licorice regulate water and electrolyte balance and consequently blood pressure. This can be beneficial in small amounts to raise low-blood pressure. However, use caution as prolonged over consumption of licorice can induce hypertension. Do not take if you are using blood pressure medications or diuretics. Also keep in mind that licorice root is not recommended for use during pregnancy. 

Hormone Regulation 

Recent studies have looked at licorice’s therapeutic uses for hormone imbalances such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Licorice has an anti-androgen, estrogen-like activity. This means licorice reduces the production of testosterone in both men and women. While this effect is not usually relevant in healthy men where testosterone is high, it did have a noticeable effect for women affected by hyperandrogenism, as in PCOS. Licorice’s estorgen-like activity can also help alleviate symptoms of menopause. 

Cancer Prevention

Some recent studies have found that licorice root may be useful in treating certain types of cancers, specifically stomach cancer and leukemia. One of the main chemical components of licorice root is glycyrrhizin. When used in studies this licorice compound suppressed cancer growth by causing the cancer cells to die. 

Anti-viral & Anti-Bacterial 

Phytochemicals in licorice root slow down bacterial growth and viral replication in the body. Specific microbes licorice has been proven to inhibit in scientific studies include herpes, strep, staph, RSV, and HIV. Licorice root is also helpful in treating the microbes that cause skin problems in people with diabetes. 

Weight Regulation 

Glycyrrhetinic acid, a component in licorice root, has potential weight loss benefits. In one study participants ate 3.5 grams of licorice per day and did not change their diet or lifestyle in any other way. Their body water percentages increased while their body fat mass decreased after just two months. 

Chronic Fatigue 

LIcorice has also been used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. The hormone cortisol helps us to deal with stress in short bursts. However after prolonged stress this hormone can build up and eventually leads to extremely low levels of cortisol. This causes severe adrenal fatigue. Components in licorice break down cortisol that builds up in the body after prolonged periods of stress, making it an effective treatment for adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. 

Oral Health & Hygiene 

While licorice root is 50 times sweeter than sugar it is actually good for your teeth! Licorice root can help prevent and treat cavities and gingivitis thanks to its anti-adhesive and anti-microbial qualities. It also makes your breath smell nice just as an added bonus!